Kyle can be defined by many different attributes, some are easy to see and put him into a box or a catagory. But some of the definitions of who he is would be a suprise. Even though Kyle has his diagnosis of duchenne muscular dystrophy and mild mental handicap, that is not where his attributes and who he is a person stops.
Some of the words, knowledge, phrases, and understanding that Kyle has is pretty unbelievable. He told me the other day "his freedom hurt." I was a little confused so I looked at him puzzled and he pointed to his frenum in the inside of his lip.
Tv does not interest Kyle in the least, he will watch maybe a half an hour total in a week. But you put any kind of construction, building, installing in front of him and Kyle will sit quietly for hours just watching. Recently we had a dishwasher installed Kyle sat there for over an hour not saying a word but taking it all in. Afterwards Kyle used phrases and details he heard and explained what happened in a fairly logical way.
Kyle and any one else with a catagory placed on them defy the boxes we try and put them in. Yes there may be limitations but there are so many other aspects that can overlooked and not appriciated.
As Kyle continues to develop a person his likes, dislikes, natural desires, and talents continue to emerge. Like anyone else we meet it may take a little digging and listening to see the many different facets of each person. But they are there, we just have to be willing to look for it.
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