Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Learning is an act of humility. We take a role not in control but rather a role of submission. We let our defenses down and we try not to act as we know everything but, rather we admit that we may not know everything about a certain topic. The question is how do we learn from? Do we have a learning posture in life? Are there people that we are pretty sure don't have anything to teach us? As Americans we are inbred with the thinking that we are right and superior to many others in the world. But do we have it right about most things? Are we the utopian society that doesn't need to learn from others? I have been thinking about the concept of living by faith. It is very hard for me to grasp this. I have been trying to think of the worst case scenerio of my life. My house could burn down, my family could be killed, and I could lose my job. But I am sure even in that worst case scenerio I could still find a place to live, find food to eat, and probably have clothes to keep me warm. Even if all that happen my life would be much better than most who live on this planet. So as I think about learning how to live by faith I realize that people who aren't white American's probably have a much better grasp on depending on God than most people I know. This is just one of the topics that I need to humbly learn about. Pride can stunt my growth in so many different ways. I can look around me and see everyone else going the same way or having the same philosophy on something but does that make it right or true?

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