Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What is really important?

This is a question all of us have to answer. What is really important? If we don't decide then it is very easy to go along with the culture around us and agree with whatever everyone else is doing.

It is very easy for me to become over involved in different things and negate the important because it has become muddled with everything else.

Decisions happen every day, they may be small but in many ways shape the way we live our lives and effect our childrens lives. The importance we place on money, time, and the stuff that clutters our homes all directly affect us.

As a wise person told me when I was younger "the good is the enemy of the best." It is easy for me to be busy. It is easy for me to be involved in many different projects, different friendships, and good misc. stuff. But is all of this beneficial? Is it all really important?

One of the friendships that has become important to me is one with a neighbor of mine. It has been built on our mutual faith and our interest in baseball. The other night we were throwing a baseball together (boys never grow up) and talking about life. While we were throwing he asked me what were some of the most important things in my life? There were many that came to mind, and I realized there were to many. I say that because as my list grew I realize I don't have time for all of the really important stuff.

There isn't any possible way that I can do everything and be everything to everyone who I deem important. So what gives? What gets shelved? What gets taken out of the really important catagory?

I haven't entirely thought through all the implications of that conversation but it continues to make me think. It continues to push me in making decisions and not just allowing life to control how I spend my time.

As I think about priorities for me there are basically three: 1. Having a relationship with God. 2. Serving/providing/loving my family 3. Serving/investing/discipling other men.  Those I have concluded are the big three. I am trying to figure out how all of those look practically but I have concluded that these are the most important.

It may be easy to say those things and even put them down on paper but it is hard to continually focus life around those that are most important.

But if we don't make the decision about what is most important it will be made for us. 

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