Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Muscular dystrophy didn't win

It was a year ago today that Jill made a very tough decision. Kyle had passed out from coughing and his oxygen level went down he would have died if she hadn't called 911. The hospice nurse was with her at the time and said this is your decision. Jill thought and was pretty determined that this had happened due to one of his medications and could be solved.
After the paramedics put a cpap machine on him he came back to.
For the next few days/weeks after that Kyle was not happy Jill had saved his life. He told us he wanted to die.
Over the months and now year Kyle has told us he saw Jill rubbing his chest calling his name that day. I'm not sure how an out of body experience works but Kyle has described it that way.
We think of that decision and the effect not only on our immediate family but extend circles. We can simply say God has blessed us this past year. It is that simple but so complex in that decision and many other medical ones that we (especially Jill) have made. Being prepared to make a decision like this is something we have thought through.
 I hate thinking about all the medical decisions and try to put them off and hope they'll go away. But these are reality. The trilogy was the best decision that has been made. That has drastically improved Kyle's quality of life since last July.
As we are grateful for this past year we are also hopeful for the future. We go at Kyle's speed which has increased of late. He wants to visit Boston, Florida, Disney, and even go on a cruise.
We have no idea what the next year will hold either good or bad but we enjoy each day God blessed us with him.

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