Monday, October 3, 2011

The one thing that Duchenne can't effect

This is going to be a non-medical voice. I am not the expert, nor do I understand how this works medically, I just understand the practical implications.

To give a brief recap of duchenne it breaks down the muscle, starting with the ankles, wrist and moving inward. One doctor described it as each of us has a covering over our muscles and Kyles (and everyone else with duchenne) covering is like swiss cheese and the dystrophin seeps out. The reason this disease is deadly is because it eventually attacks the heart.

Jill is the medical wizard in our family, since the beginning of Kyle's diagnosis she has read, studied, and engaged many experts on his disease. From a medical standpoint she can explain and understand the working of this disease and the human body quite well. She has read numerous stories of families with duchenne's. I have a difficult time reading these stories because I know the outcome. Recently there was a man in Ohio with duchenne's who just celebrated his 40th birthday. Some experts believe that he has lived the longest with duchenne's. So the prognosis of this disease is not good.

With all the ravanging of the body duchenne's does it doesn't affect one thing physically. It doesn't effect the facial muscles. It attacks and destroy's every muscule from the neck down. I didn't know this until one day Jill was reading and told me. It may not seem significant, but there is one important thing that you can do with the facial muscles- SMILE. Duchenne's is destroying Kyle's body, we can see it on a daily basis. He wasn't what he was 6 months ago, but with all of that. This disease can't take the smile of his face, both literally and figuratively. We believe God has blessed us with this gift, and it may be small in the big scheme of life, but this a blessing we get each day and for that we are thankful.


  1. Thank you for your honest, transparency. It's truly inspirational!

  2. A reminder how to find blessings in our lives.thank you.i needed this humble reminder

  3. i just wanted you to know I linked this in my blog post today .i hope that is ok. if not I can remove it

  4. Annemarie- sure you can link it no prob.

  5. Thank you Ben! My husband passed your post on to his friends and co-workers...the following is one of the responses: "That’s absolutely beautiful. This disease will not steal joy. Much love and prayers for your family." Amen!!!
